IMMUNE REJUVENATION TOOLS: Utilizing the body’s amazing abilities, self-help therapies and tools to remedy compromised health, autoimmune and immunosenescence.

What do poor health, autoimmune and immunosenescence have in common? These conditions all involve a compromised or inefficient immune system; including the required efficient combined immune surveillance, immune assessment and immune response. Many factors can be responsible for the unwelcome challenges.

A healthy immune system recognizes and deals with harmful challenges like bacteria, viruses, foreign substances and assaults. Chronic unwanted and unresolved symptoms and poor health can have many root causes. In autoimmune disorders the immune system’s immune surveillance, assessment and/or response are dysregulated, leading to the immune system attacking the healthy cells of the body by mistake. Immunosenescence is an immune dysfunction due to the thymus gradually shrinking with age, called thymic involution. Compromised immune function in the elderly can lead to the development of infections, autoimmune diseases, and malignant tumors.

One of the common denominator in chronic symptoms, autoimmune conditions and immunosenescence is an unhealthy or compromised thymus gland.  The thymus gland is an organ in the chest cavity, a nursery for the T-cells that are made in the bone marrow and arriving there to mature. It also produces an array of hormones.

In the holistic approach to well-being, investigating potential root causes is key followed by adding self-help, provided and supportive therapies and tools. You can read my in depth ‘how to guide’, The Whole Person Well-being Equation, to coach you on your well-being journey and health recovery. You will find client testimonies here.

Although ongoing detoxification is a top priority for health recover,here are just a few of my recommended self-help therapies and tools that specifically focus on supporting the thymus gland to get you started:


#1 priority for all chronic conditions, autoimmunity and ageing, is supporting your thymus gland.  This requires ongoing detox and a combination of self-help and provided therapies, tools and supports.  While you implement those requirements you can give your thymus gland a good recharge by tapping.

Tapping, your thymus gland, which is located behind your sternum and between your lungs, for a few seconds several times daily stimulates it and boosts your immune system functions. The vibrations of tapping stimulate an increase in the maturation and release of white blood cells, stem cells and hormones. This boost in immune system functions can improve your body’s immunosurveillance immunoassessment and immunoresponse.


#2 priority for all chronic conditions, autoimmunity and ageing, in supporting your thymus gland, is increasing your stem cell production and distribution. Stem cells, migrate into the thymus from the bone marrow, differentiate and mature into cells in bones, heart muscle, nerves, and other organs and tissue, replacing damaged cells and tissue.  Thi is an ongoing process in a healthy body. Increase your stem cell production by eating a healthy diet of sulforaphone foods like cruciferous veggies. Cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage, bok choy, garden cress and Brussels sprouts’ sulforaphane compounds also boost enzymes in the liver that combat harmful contaminants that enter the body. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant found in blackberries, goji berries, pomegranate, blueberries, and raspberries protects valuable stem cells. Cold water fatty seafood and fish,  containing several omega-3 fats and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), are natural adult stem cell activators.

Cacao contains more phenolic antioxidants than most foods. The flavonoids include catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidins. Dark chocolate (80%), can mobilize your stem cells to efficiently do their job.

“Cacao has also been shown to improve stem cell function. At the University of California, San Francisco, researchers explored whether a chocolate drink made with cocoa containing high levels of flavanols could influence stem cells and blood vessel health. Participants who drank the high-flavanol beverage had twice as many stem cells in their circulation compared to the people who drank the low- flavanol cocoa, showing that the more flavanols contained in the product, the more stem cell benefits it boasts.” 1


Those were just two of my recommendations to help you support your thymus gland, improve your immune system function and enjoy healthy ageing.  Allow me to coach your on your well-being journey by reading my self-help, coach in a book, The Whole Person Well-being Equation or by booking a consultation.

Need help eliminating your food allergies?

Your ‘weak list’ could provide important information about factors that may have a negative effect on your thymus gland and overall immune system. Learn more here.

Book a virtual consultation to learn how to use bodyfeedback to determine your allergy triggers and protect your from serious allergic reactions. Contact me at to book a virtual consultation. You will be invoiced before the consultation through Paypal where you can use your credit card. You will then be provided with a followup email and instructions to collect some food and other samples for testing during the virtual consultation. One hour consultation is $100.00. 

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,,

#multiplechemicalsensitivities #MCS #toxicantinducedlossoftolerance #TILT #environmentalillness #EI #chronicfatigue #CF #foodallergies #irritablebowel #depression #spasmodicdysphonia #SAD #bodymindspirit #holistic #mindfullness #wholepersonwellbeing #naturalcures #yourbodycanhealitself #healthbydesign #B&Bretreats #holisticB&Bretreats #womensretreats #escapetothefarmacy #autoimmune #immunosenescence #CF #MS



REBOOTING YOUR HEALTH : Revive Your Body’s Amazing Abilities


Holistic health strategies, like lifestyle medicine address the root causes of disease and symptoms. The human body came equipped with efficient innate abilities that when working properly, will not only protect you from pathogens and environmental threats, but also fight disease.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, Greek Physician (460BC-377BC)

Like a computer, for optimum operation, the body and brain require ongoing undisrupted surveillance and communication to effectively detect and respond to threats. When your computer stops functioning optimally you can do a ‘reboot’ or ‘system restore’. Holistic health strategies help your body to naturally reboot and system restore; allowing your body to return to functioning as intended in God’s pre-programmed factory default settings.

reboot definition:

  • to start up again after closing or shutting down to boot up again waiting for a computer/program to reboot
  • to start (something) anew to refresh (something) by making a new start or creating a new version 
  • to start anew to make a fresh start 
Daily exposure to toxins in the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat and the products we absorb through our skin, hair and nails results in an ongoing circulation of these disrupting forces as our body attempts to detoxify them. Even if your body has efficient detoxification pathways, this ongoing flood of toxins can disrupt normal communication, surveillance and responses while your body is working hard to detox them. This is an even more of a health challenge for little ones and pregnant moms. The human body was not designed to function with an ongoing level of toxic, disrupting body pollution. Think about how a virus affects the normal operation of your computer.  You need to eliminate the virus for the disruptions to stop and normal computer function to resume.  A steady wash of toxins in your body also causes ongoing disruptions and compromised functioning. Ongoing effective detoxification like that provided with the two step detoxification strategy below allows all of the body’s normal productions (internal pharmacy), functions (immunoresponse) and other amazing abilities to work as originally designed.


I recommend a two step detoxification process to limit the ongoing internal disruption caused by toxins, a crucial step to ‘reboot’ your body’s natural, amazing abilities:


Step #1 – Stop adding to the body’s detoxification load and body pollution. This can be accomplished by ‘greening’ your environments, diet, personal care products, symptom relief options and cleaning products.

Step #2 – Eliminate your present body/mind pollution by promoting the body’s natural detoxification pathways effectiveness using a variety of body detoxification strategies and aids.

Regardless of what your health challenges are, this two step process if the place to start for health recovery and reboot.  Get started today using holistic health strategies which will naturally reboot your body’s naturally functioning and amazing abilities.  You can find more holistic health strategies and expanded detoxification aids and recipes, including botanical spa therapy in my book The Whole Person Well-being Equation. 

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Wishing you restored health and healthy longevity so that you can fully focus on living your life and the pursuit of meaningful goals!

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P. Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Health by Design,

Green Your Healthcare, Medicine and Makeup Cabinet: 

My Books:





Regardless of whether your childhood was traumatic or not, connecting with your inner child as an adult can provide you with some insights and opportunities or ‘a healthier you’ in the present.

That’s a picture of me on the right above as we are boarding the airplane in Amsterdam to immigrate to Canada in 1953. With the recent passing of my mother in the spring of this year I felt like an orphan and it took me time to process my feelings, including grief. I grew up with loving parents who raised me with loving, faith filled care. My inner child was a very sensitive and bashful child and I still display those personality traits as an adult at times – ‘not a mental illness’. Some researchers suggest that emotional sensitivity is an intrinsic part of people with high abilities and driven by perfectionism.  Regardless, this is the way God created me. Fast forward to today and I am connecting with my inner child and celebrating my uniqueness daily.

As a holistic wellness practitioner I spend much of my time researching physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health challenges; and what strategies might help people to manage or overcome them. Emotional aromatherapy has been a valuable strategy for me and my clients, helping them to connect with their inner child and sometimes suppressed or misunderstood emotions and personality traits.

I have been increasingly drawn to particular essential oils during this time of inner reflection.  Interestingly the oil that has had the greatest draw for me has been Ylang Ylang, the oil of the inner child. Ylang ylang is recommended to reconnect an individual with the child self and the pure, simple ways of the heart. For those with past emotional trauma, it is a powerful remedy for release. It also helps to release bottled up emotions.

To learn more about the use of essential oils to heal your inner child or other emotions, I would recommend the Emotions & Essential Oils, A Modern Resource for Healing, Emotional Reference Guide.  It comes with a companion Emotions & Essential Oils Wheel which makes it easy to select the right oil for what you are feeling.

Get started on ‘emotional aromatherapy’ today!

As an Amazon Associate I earn commission from qualifying book purchases on this page.

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P. Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Health by Design,,

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BOOKS: A Source of Health Giving Software


A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counsellor, a multitude of counsellors.”

Charles Baudelaire, Poet


As Dr. Seuss once wrote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

The book case above holds a small collection of the books that I have read in my quest for health recovery.  The knowledge gained from the many books that I have read throughout my search for improved health, have in essence become the ‘software’ that my body, brain and mind have used to help restore my health.  Just like a ‘how to’  DIY book can help you build a bookshelf, the knowledge in the books you read that are relevant to how the body, brain and mind do and can function; increases your body and mind’s software knowledge – providing instructions to accomplish the task of restoring and improving health. Reading about ‘miracles’ and ‘out there’ concepts (many scientifically backed) challenges your brain to accept that ‘more is possible’, a concept I impress upon my clients.  It you settle, then ‘more is not possible’.  You need to give your brain, mind and body permission to consider that ‘more is possible’, if you expect more!

Software Definition: 

  1. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Knowledge Definition: 

  1. facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
    “a thirst for knowledge”

Why would you need to add software to what your preprogrammed body does automatically?  Our body’s communication and response system (your #911) was not equipped for being disrupted by synthetic, toxic interference. On a daily basis you are exposed to a multitude of interfering factors.

I have taken the collection of information from the reading of many books and summarized their relevance to my health recovery from multiple health challenges into a holistic protocol that can be found in my book The Whole Person Well-being Equation and e-books.  I encourage my clients to read the books that have helped me by referencing them in my book and blog posts. Understanding that when one’s health is compromised clients may find the task of reading overwhelming, I provide a copy of my summarized holistic protocol in my book, to each holistic health consultation client. The easy to read and follow steps in my book give straight forward guidance for clients to implement for recovery and improved health.  Get started on a healthier you today, start reading books that will lead you there.

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Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Health by Design,

YOUR BODY CAN HEAL ITSELF: Follow My Road Map to Get There


Updated January 04, 2024


UPDATED:  January 4, 2024

Every new year brings thoughts of improved health. There’s no shortage of advice on social media. Every person’s well-being journey is unique. My journey through multiple health challenges to good health may provide you with some useful guidance in your quest for symptom free living. We are all a ‘health’ work in progress. Well-being is a journey not merely a destination. Wishing you health and happiness!

Sometimes I forget how ill I really was. The forgetting is a blessing for sure!

I am revisiting my multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), toxicant induced loss of tolerance (TILT), environmental illness (EI), chronic fatigue (CF), multiple food allergies, irritable bowel, depression, seasonal affected disorder (SAD), stress sensitization and spasmodic dysphonia ‘past diagnoses’ today.  I am often reminded about how severely ill and affected I was by these conditions when I get inquires from all over the world asking for help from those still suffering.

All of the preceding diagnoses (plus more) were given to me in the past. I suffered severely for many years and I now have good health and feel good. I can eat all foods and be safe in previously toxic environments, obviously avoiding those that everyone should where possible. Like all humans, I share their vulnerability to the challenges of microbes, ‘wear and tear’ to body parts and life’s stressors.

On my journey to good health I tried many strategies, always looking for ‘the cure’.  Like many people I read every article about the latest supplement and cures and spent a lot of money on trying them.  From today’s view point it is clear to see that one cannot regain their health by merely supplementing/adding on something; one must start at the very beginning. The holistic health approach to regaining health is a series of natural strategies that help your body and mind to ‘peel back the layers’ of past physical, mental and emotional health challenges to allow healing.


One of the most impactful strategies in my health recovery was a series of herbal baths which I used to detox my body pollution, a major health challenge which most of us have even newborns.

Body Burden:  The Pollution in Newborns 

“Chemicals have replaced bacteria and viruses as the main threat to  health.  The diseases we are beginning to see as the major causes of death in the latter part of (the 1900’s) and into the 21st century are diseases of chemical origin.” 

Dr. Dick Irwin, Toxicologist, Texas A&M University

During my recovery I had tried many detox remedies with minimal results. Through my studies of herbs I learned about the potential detoxification and healing abilities of herbs. I used that information to create a ‘botanical spa therapy’ herbal bath recipe.  My clients have had incredible health improvements, like I have, as a result of taking a series of these baths. I now recommend this as a first step to anyone who asks me for advice.  Whole body detoxification requires a two step detoxification process, stop adding to your body pollution and remove your existing body pollution. You can find the recipe and instructions for botanical spa therapy herbal baths in my book below. Make you botanical spa therapy baths well deserved ‘spa events’, add spa music, an natural scented beeswax candle, and a new book.


Purchase Botanical Spa Therapy

Search for the cure within the cause,

            the body itself is the best healer”            

Plato C427 -C347 BC

Regaining health requires implementation of a series of  ‘stop, start and change’ strategies. The biggest challenge, in ‘hind sight’ and from the successes of my clients has been knowing ‘what do you stop, start and change‘. That’s where my road map can help you.

As a holistic wellness practitioner I share my variety of holistic strategies with my clients, on my website, in my blog posts and through more detailed guidance in my booke-books and consultations.  The Whole Person Well-being Equation is a holistic ‘how to’ book of easy to follow steps that will guide you to improved health through education, natural strategies, intuition, belief, faith and prayer by promoting body, mind and spirit balance. The easy to read book provides coaching to help you know what you need to stop, start and change to restore your health. Learn how to get to the root cause of your symptoms and eliminate them, so that you can get on with your life and the pursuit of meaningful goals. Join satisfied clients who have used the steps to become symptom free. From one of my readers: “The workbook makes tangible what can be construed as spiritual healing into something that can be followed with your eyes and pencil. This helps in understanding and actually seeing what your body is doing; without only using intangible (potentially spiritual) reflections.” Aamir A., Gatineau, Quebec. More is possible in terms of your health and following the steps in this book will make it possible for you. Get started today on a healthier version of you, you deserve it.

whole person well-being = holistic health 

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The cure for what ails you starts with your personalized ‘stop, start and change’ protocol. Contact me to get you started on your ‘healthier you’. Virtual consultations and bodyfeedback training are available. Regardless of your condition, the first step to recovery is a personalized ‘stop, start and change’ protocol.

The human body comes equipped by the Creator with amazing abilities to heal. Many factors can potentially interfere with these amazing abilities. This is why it is important to determine your ‘stop, start and change’ list. Your body can heal itself with some help and proper navigation – let me help you navigate your well-being journey.

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work.The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, Greek Physician (460BC-377BC)

Health by Design, the name of my web and blog pages reflects how I designed my health using a variety of strategies. These are now all a part of my holistic protocol (how to guide) which you can find in my books and blog posts. Good health is an achievable goal. Your body and mind can heal!

Get started on a healthier you today!

Remember – small changes can have a big impact!

Every person’s mental health equation, including yours, is uniquely different and yet every person’s mental health equation shares common denominators. Do you need help determining yours? Visit my blog post MENTAL HEALTH by DESIGN: How to Edit Your Mental Health Equation for Improved Mental Health


While you implement a ‘stop, start and change’ holistic protocol consider adding natural symptom relief strategies to help you ride your wave of symptoms. Visit My Green Medicine and Makeup Cabinet for my natural strategy favourites.

Many people find it difficult to believe that I once had 85 food allergies, detected by food allergy blood testing. The food and environmental desensitization treatments that helped me to become allergy free were a life saver. Desensitization treatments can help with the elimination of mental symptoms, often a byproduct of food and environmental allergies. Desensitization treatments are now available for self treatment at home. Check with your regular healthcare provider before proceeding. Check out the information at

My goals are now focused on achieving healthy longevity and sharing these strategies with clients, so stay tuned. Neuromuscular biofeedback (applied kinesiology) assessments throughout the years on multiple clients has provided a bounty of useful information to promote healthy longevity. Ongoing research provides additional insights. Please check with your regular healthcare practitioner before implementing any changes.  Do not stop taking your medications or stop your treatments without consulting your regular health practitioner.

Consider escaping to the farmacy, gardens, nature

‘for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ails’


Escaping to, immersing in and eating from nature

dispenses body, mind and spirit benefits!

Escapes are a way of using distractions as body, mind and spirit therapy and have been one of my ongoing tools for coping with life’s challenging days. There are many mind immersing ‘distraction therapy’ tools available to provide you with temporary escapes from your own, sometimes, challenging reality.  Follow my posts where I share some of my favourites.

From the uplifting, mood boosting high that comes from watching peonies burst into full bloom to the comforting embrace of a tree covered shade providing path, escapes to nature, green spaces and gardens should be a ‘prescribed’ recommendation for everyone, one I suggest to all of my clients.


In my Escape to the Farmacy posts I share my botanical inspirations and where available, the science behind the many easily acquired benefits gained from escapes to  nature, plants, herbs, green and botanically inspired decor and activities like art. I have always been drawn to trails in the woods, and retreat there as often as possible.  Living in Southwestern Ontario, the many deciduous trees drop their leaves in the fall, leaving the trails more open to the much sought after winter, life giving sunlight. When the weather is too uninviting to coax me outdoors, I retreat to the many botanically inspired art and décor projects that provide me with the embrace of nature that I so desperately desire. Join me as I share my botanically driven ‘escapes to the farmacy’ for an enviable dispensing of body, mind and spirit benefits through my blog posts.

Dealing with cancer or mental health issues?

Need help eliminating your food allergies?

Book a virtual consultation to learn how to use bodyfeedback to determine your allergy triggers and protect your from serious allergic reactions. Contact me at to book a virtual consultation or bodyfeedback training. You will be invoiced before the consultation through Paypal where you can use your credit card. You will then be provided with a followup email and instructions to collect some food and other samples for testing during the virtual consultation.

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,,

#multiplechemicalsensitivities #MCS #toxicantinducedlossoftolerance #TILT #environmentalillness #EI #chronicfatigue #CF #foodallergies #irritablebowel #depression #spasmodicdysphonia #SAD #bodymindspirit #holistic #mindfullness #wholepersonwellbeing #naturalcures #yourbodycanhealitself #healthbydesign #B&Bretreats #holisticB&Bretreats #womensretreats #escapetothefarmacy #depression #foodallergies #cancer