SIGNAL LOST: Please Stay Tuned For Your Body To Resume Normal Function


The electrical interactive communication systems of the body (nervous system) are responsible for the production of all biological and biochemical mechanisms (body functions). Neurons send signals to other cells through thin fibers called axons, which cause chemicals known as neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses. Sensory neurons react to physical stimuli such as light, sound and touch and send feedback to the central nervous system about the body’s surrounding environment. Motor neurons, located in the central nervous system or in peripheral ganglia, transmit signals to activate the muscles or glands.

Interference or blockage of these necessary communication signals can disrupt normal healthy body functions, natural protections, immunosurveillance, immunoresponse and tumor suppression.

We have all experienced a loss of satellite signal and lost our favourite television show, probably in the midst of an exciting scene. What happens when the body’s communication signals are disrupted regularly? Could it be a contributing factor in conditions like Parkinsons, MS or spasmodic dysphonia? I strongly believe it is. I also know from the success I have seen in my conditions and those of my clients that following my holistic protocol can help your body to restore normal communications and function.

Recently I presented a workshop where I discussed all of the factors with the potential to disrupt our balance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.  Part of the workshop focused on endocrine disruptors, commonly a part of body pollution, and how they interfere with vital communication, hormone production, utilization and balance functions. These factors can disrupt normal healthy and required body communication and signalling. Body pollution, toxic chemicals (in foods, personal care, feminine hygiene, laundry and cleaning products, the air), stressors, sleep disruption, electromagnetic radiation, microbes and drugs are just a few potential communication and normal body function disruptors.

I see many clients with a wide range of health challenges.  The first step of my holistic protocol is to stop all ‘communication and body disrupting’ factors. What do they need to ‘stop, start and change’? You can read more information about these factors in my other blog posts.

My ‘stop, start and change’ holistic protocol is all that you need to get started on your path to ‘a healthier you’.  My clients are always surprised at the impact of my protocol on the way that they feel in a short period of time.

Get started today on your ‘stop, start and change’ protocol and start feeling better. Green your diet, personal care, healthcare and cleaning products. Strive for life balance. My holistic protocol can be found in my book THE WHOLE PERSON WELL-BEING EQUATION.


Consult your regular healthcare provider before starting your ‘stop, start and change’ protocol.  There may be contraindications due to health status, medications or other factors. Do not stop taken prescribed medication.

ENJOY better health today!

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,

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