DEPRESSION FREE: Tips to Get You There


You have probably already tried many strategies in your battle to eliminate depression. I suffered major bouts of depression in the past as well as melancholy. I was told by doctors that I would have to be on medications for the rest of my life. It took me a lot of years of research and trial and error approaches to achieve 100% depression free status, to where I feel upbeat and happy. The strategies that finally worked to lift my ‘depression blind’ permanently, were not the traditional approach. I did try the medically prescribed treatments in my journey to become depression free – they did not work for me and made me feel like not wanting to live. I am not advocating that you stop your medications.  There are many strategies that you can combine with medications.


Although every person’s journey through depression is unique, each depression equation shares common denominators. Your depression equation’s road blocks, pitfalls and unanswered questions share many of the same ‘common’ denominators’ as another person’s. A common denominator is a commonly shared theme or trait; also a common element in a mathematical equation. In math class you learn to rewrite your math equations to change the answer. You can rewrite your depression equation by subtracting out or cancelling the well-being challenging contributing factors; and adding in powerful strategies to promote healing and restore normal brain chemistry to eliminate your depression.

Here are some quick tips to get you started:

  • Understand your body’s potentially harmful chemical equation and factors that may interfere with your brain chemistry.  Where can you learn more?


healthy diseased bloodbrain barrier

  • Diffuse essential oils to improve mood. The diffuser would be an excellent add on at home, school and the office to dissipate stress and improve productivity and mood.

brain essential oils

Before you proceed to implement any of the above strategies – talk to your regular healthcare provider.  Transitioning from depression and anxiety to 100% depression free using these strategies requires time and the supervision of an open minded, informed practitioner. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR PRESCRIBED MEDICATION. These strategies do help to promote depression free living. I have been able to duplicate the same 100% depression free status with my clients using these and additional holistic strategies.


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Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner

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Copyright © 2013, Elisabeth Hines

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