Quinoa is an ancient grain (seed) super food with many health benefits.

  • A high quality protein source with nine essential amino acids. It has more protein than rice, millet or wheat.
  • High in riboflavin.
  • Non fattening – 170 calories per ¼ cup of dry ( 24 protein, 12 sugars, complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, fiber and healthy fat)
  • Gluten free.

There are three main varieties of quinoa: light yellow, red and black. The seeds need to be rinsed to remove the soapy saponin residue. Quinoa is a very versatile protein food; it can be used in salads, as porridge and is made into flour and pasta.

I use the tru-Roots Organic Quinoa which is certified non-GMO.  It comes pre-washed and cooks in 15 minutes. Instead of water I add organic vegetable broth for more flavour. Chopped vegetables and a variety of dressings create a complete meal which stores well in the refrigerator for several days.

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Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,

Copyright © 2013, Elisabeth Hines

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