MY HEALTH RECOVERY: The butterfly effect is the belief that small changes over time can create huge life changes.

Butterfly effect

When I am not busy with my other life responsibilities I like to use the creative side of my brain to keep it active.  I painted this saying on an old picture from a thrift shop. I hope that it inspires you to belief and expect that more is possible in terms of your health. Creativity has always been ‘health giving’ for me and research provides evidence of the benefit. Using the creative side of my brain has helped me through many challenging chapters.

“Treating human pathology using art gives us a tremendous alternative unique and novel option for engaging brain networks that enhance the way the brain processes information, incorporates external and internal data, and develops new efficient brain connections.”  Where art meets neuroscience: a new horizon of art therapy

From Psychology Today – Recent Art Therapy Research: Measuring Mood, Pain and Brain

My recovery from multiple health challenges (environmental illness – EI, toxicant induced loss of tolerance – TILT, multiple chemical sensitivities – MCS, chronic fatigue – CF, severe gastrointestinal distress, irritable bowel – IB, stress sensitization, major depression, spasmodic dysphonia – SD;  has taken a long time. The good news is that I now have good health, feel good and I can live and function in the real world and work, generating income.

My recovery path took many small changes over time and the resulting end product – good health, still amazes me at times; especially when I see other people still struggling with diagnoses that they were given decades ago. Like many people who have suffered for years, I sought the ‘ultimate cure’ like many people do. In the end it was the small incremental changes and improvements that added up to a sustainable recovery for me, and my clients,  providing the ultimate cure. After years of struggling with compromised health, a byproduct of my many life challenges over time, it was delusional of me to think there would be one ultimate cure. Although symptom relief strategies are required to address ‘the tip of the iceberg’ factors so that one can function on a daily basis; it is the addressing and resolution of the ‘base of the iceberg’ factors that will provide sustainable recovery for your health challenges. Your health recovery journey will have many setbacks and backward trends, all possible detours along the way. I had many set backs on my well-being journey and still do at times. Do not give up!  Expect the detours that come and take them; getting back onto the road to your recovery. Remember, ‘the butterfly effect is the belief that small changes over time can create huge life changes’. Make a change today!


More is possible in terms of your health, and possible is ‘doable by you’, with the right guidance. Where do you start to reap the same benefits that I have?

  1.  Use my holistic protocol found in my book, The Whole Person Well-being Equation.
  2. Green your healthcare using essential oil therapy and me as your guide. Read more in my post at  I offer the experience of results as a holistic wellness practitioner from many clients who have recovered from their health challenges. 
  3. Follow my path to healthy longevity –

Wishing you healthy longevity; it is available to you!

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,

Follow us and share on:

#EI  #toxicantinducedlossoftolerance #TILT   #multiplechemicalsensitivities  #MCS  #chronicfatigue #CF    #severegastrointestinaldistress  #irritablebowel   #IB  #stresssensitization  #majordepression  #spasmodicdysphonia   #SD

YOUR BODY CAN HEAL ITSELF: Follow My Road Map to Get There


Updated January 04, 2024


UPDATED:  January 4, 2024

Every new year brings thoughts of improved health. There’s no shortage of advice on social media. Every person’s well-being journey is unique. My journey through multiple health challenges to good health may provide you with some useful guidance in your quest for symptom free living. We are all a ‘health’ work in progress. Well-being is a journey not merely a destination. Wishing you health and happiness!

Sometimes I forget how ill I really was. The forgetting is a blessing for sure!

I am revisiting my multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), toxicant induced loss of tolerance (TILT), environmental illness (EI), chronic fatigue (CF), multiple food allergies, irritable bowel, depression, seasonal affected disorder (SAD), stress sensitization and spasmodic dysphonia ‘past diagnoses’ today.  I am often reminded about how severely ill and affected I was by these conditions when I get inquires from all over the world asking for help from those still suffering.

All of the preceding diagnoses (plus more) were given to me in the past. I suffered severely for many years and I now have good health and feel good. I can eat all foods and be safe in previously toxic environments, obviously avoiding those that everyone should where possible. Like all humans, I share their vulnerability to the challenges of microbes, ‘wear and tear’ to body parts and life’s stressors.

On my journey to good health I tried many strategies, always looking for ‘the cure’.  Like many people I read every article about the latest supplement and cures and spent a lot of money on trying them.  From today’s view point it is clear to see that one cannot regain their health by merely supplementing/adding on something; one must start at the very beginning. The holistic health approach to regaining health is a series of natural strategies that help your body and mind to ‘peel back the layers’ of past physical, mental and emotional health challenges to allow healing.


One of the most impactful strategies in my health recovery was a series of herbal baths which I used to detox my body pollution, a major health challenge which most of us have even newborns.

Body Burden:  The Pollution in Newborns 

“Chemicals have replaced bacteria and viruses as the main threat to  health.  The diseases we are beginning to see as the major causes of death in the latter part of (the 1900’s) and into the 21st century are diseases of chemical origin.” 

Dr. Dick Irwin, Toxicologist, Texas A&M University

During my recovery I had tried many detox remedies with minimal results. Through my studies of herbs I learned about the potential detoxification and healing abilities of herbs. I used that information to create a ‘botanical spa therapy’ herbal bath recipe.  My clients have had incredible health improvements, like I have, as a result of taking a series of these baths. I now recommend this as a first step to anyone who asks me for advice.  Whole body detoxification requires a two step detoxification process, stop adding to your body pollution and remove your existing body pollution. You can find the recipe and instructions for botanical spa therapy herbal baths in my book below. Make you botanical spa therapy baths well deserved ‘spa events’, add spa music, an natural scented beeswax candle, and a new book.


Purchase Botanical Spa Therapy

Search for the cure within the cause,

            the body itself is the best healer”            

Plato C427 -C347 BC

Regaining health requires implementation of a series of  ‘stop, start and change’ strategies. The biggest challenge, in ‘hind sight’ and from the successes of my clients has been knowing ‘what do you stop, start and change‘. That’s where my road map can help you.

As a holistic wellness practitioner I share my variety of holistic strategies with my clients, on my website, in my blog posts and through more detailed guidance in my booke-books and consultations.  The Whole Person Well-being Equation is a holistic ‘how to’ book of easy to follow steps that will guide you to improved health through education, natural strategies, intuition, belief, faith and prayer by promoting body, mind and spirit balance. The easy to read book provides coaching to help you know what you need to stop, start and change to restore your health. Learn how to get to the root cause of your symptoms and eliminate them, so that you can get on with your life and the pursuit of meaningful goals. Join satisfied clients who have used the steps to become symptom free. From one of my readers: “The workbook makes tangible what can be construed as spiritual healing into something that can be followed with your eyes and pencil. This helps in understanding and actually seeing what your body is doing; without only using intangible (potentially spiritual) reflections.” Aamir A., Gatineau, Quebec. More is possible in terms of your health and following the steps in this book will make it possible for you. Get started today on a healthier version of you, you deserve it.

whole person well-being = holistic health 

Ebook Cover New_1-1

The cure for what ails you starts with your personalized ‘stop, start and change’ protocol. Contact me to get you started on your ‘healthier you’. Virtual consultations and bodyfeedback training are available. Regardless of your condition, the first step to recovery is a personalized ‘stop, start and change’ protocol.

The human body comes equipped by the Creator with amazing abilities to heal. Many factors can potentially interfere with these amazing abilities. This is why it is important to determine your ‘stop, start and change’ list. Your body can heal itself with some help and proper navigation – let me help you navigate your well-being journey.

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work.The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, Greek Physician (460BC-377BC)

Health by Design, the name of my web and blog pages reflects how I designed my health using a variety of strategies. These are now all a part of my holistic protocol (how to guide) which you can find in my books and blog posts. Good health is an achievable goal. Your body and mind can heal!

Get started on a healthier you today!

Remember – small changes can have a big impact!

Every person’s mental health equation, including yours, is uniquely different and yet every person’s mental health equation shares common denominators. Do you need help determining yours? Visit my blog post MENTAL HEALTH by DESIGN: How to Edit Your Mental Health Equation for Improved Mental Health


While you implement a ‘stop, start and change’ holistic protocol consider adding natural symptom relief strategies to help you ride your wave of symptoms. Visit My Green Medicine and Makeup Cabinet for my natural strategy favourites.

Many people find it difficult to believe that I once had 85 food allergies, detected by food allergy blood testing. The food and environmental desensitization treatments that helped me to become allergy free were a life saver. Desensitization treatments can help with the elimination of mental symptoms, often a byproduct of food and environmental allergies. Desensitization treatments are now available for self treatment at home. Check with your regular healthcare provider before proceeding. Check out the information at

My goals are now focused on achieving healthy longevity and sharing these strategies with clients, so stay tuned. Neuromuscular biofeedback (applied kinesiology) assessments throughout the years on multiple clients has provided a bounty of useful information to promote healthy longevity. Ongoing research provides additional insights. Please check with your regular healthcare practitioner before implementing any changes.  Do not stop taking your medications or stop your treatments without consulting your regular health practitioner.

Consider escaping to the farmacy, gardens, nature

‘for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ails’


Escaping to, immersing in and eating from nature

dispenses body, mind and spirit benefits!

Escapes are a way of using distractions as body, mind and spirit therapy and have been one of my ongoing tools for coping with life’s challenging days. There are many mind immersing ‘distraction therapy’ tools available to provide you with temporary escapes from your own, sometimes, challenging reality.  Follow my posts where I share some of my favourites.

From the uplifting, mood boosting high that comes from watching peonies burst into full bloom to the comforting embrace of a tree covered shade providing path, escapes to nature, green spaces and gardens should be a ‘prescribed’ recommendation for everyone, one I suggest to all of my clients.


In my Escape to the Farmacy posts I share my botanical inspirations and where available, the science behind the many easily acquired benefits gained from escapes to  nature, plants, herbs, green and botanically inspired decor and activities like art. I have always been drawn to trails in the woods, and retreat there as often as possible.  Living in Southwestern Ontario, the many deciduous trees drop their leaves in the fall, leaving the trails more open to the much sought after winter, life giving sunlight. When the weather is too uninviting to coax me outdoors, I retreat to the many botanically inspired art and décor projects that provide me with the embrace of nature that I so desperately desire. Join me as I share my botanically driven ‘escapes to the farmacy’ for an enviable dispensing of body, mind and spirit benefits through my blog posts.

Dealing with cancer or mental health issues?

Need help eliminating your food allergies?

Book a virtual consultation to learn how to use bodyfeedback to determine your allergy triggers and protect your from serious allergic reactions. Contact me at to book a virtual consultation or bodyfeedback training. You will be invoiced before the consultation through Paypal where you can use your credit card. You will then be provided with a followup email and instructions to collect some food and other samples for testing during the virtual consultation.

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,,

#multiplechemicalsensitivities #MCS #toxicantinducedlossoftolerance #TILT #environmentalillness #EI #chronicfatigue #CF #foodallergies #irritablebowel #depression #spasmodicdysphonia #SAD #bodymindspirit #holistic #mindfullness #wholepersonwellbeing #naturalcures #yourbodycanhealitself #healthbydesign #B&Bretreats #holisticB&Bretreats #womensretreats #escapetothefarmacy #depression #foodallergies #cancer


trapped in a bubble2

Do you feel like you are living in a bubble and that there is no place outside of your bubble that is safe? Do you suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities and environmental illness? If so you are not alone. There was a time when I lived in a ‘virtual bubble’ to protect myself from all of the chemicals that caused my body to react. Many years later, after much research and trial and error strategies I have escaped my bubble and can help you to escape yours as well.  I can now feel safe in the world, go anywhere and eat anywhere, without fear or reacting. Yes, I still go with informed vigilance and protection because there are many harmful substances in the world that could potentially hurt me, and everyone else out there.


Most people have a considerable quotient of well-being.  For those whose health is challenged by a variety of daily symptoms and conditions, well-being can be elusive.

My health journey has taken me through multiple health challenges. Symptom relief was a daily challenge for many years. For many people this is the case. The pre-occupation with extreme and chronic symptoms, and the search for symptom relief can leave little time to address ‘root causes’ of the symptoms, a must for health true recovery.

Symptoms Iceberg Analogy

Symptoms are like the ‘tip of the iceberg’. To achieve symptom free status you must deal with the underlying ‘base of the iceberg’ issues. Learn more here .

All of the above factors can cause damage or changes to the body’s original ‘software’ and body’s default settings, and subsequent way of responding. Software is the entire set of programs, procedures, and related documentation associated with a system and especially a computer system. Your body’s operating system is more complex than a high tech computer and comes equipped with preprogrammed criteria for responding, your software.

In cases of multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), allergies, toxicant loss of tolerance (TILT), heightened sense of smell, auto immune and other disorders; the body’s normal way of responding has been altered because the body’s software and body’s default settings have been altered by a major trauma, in my case it was the off gassing of a new house added to my body pollution. One of the resulting challenges was an overwhelming awareness and offense to the smell of all chemicals and scents, event in small amounts. A heightened offended sense of smell can also be an indicator of body pollution.

BODY POLLUTION: Who Is Responsible? –

Synthetic fragrances comes with potentially harmful health risks. FRAGRANCE: Oh How Sweet The Smell and How Potentially Dangerous To Your Health

Fragrance Brochure

The challenge in major health challenges like those listed in the previous paragraph is to get your body to differentiate between scents and chemicals that really harm and those that you are simply fearful of. The body/mind can become very vigilant after a major trauma and initiate various ‘skewed’ responses, like a heighted olfactory response, in an attempt to protect you. Many people find that they are also offended and sometimes negatively affected by natural scents. Getting your body/mind to differentiate will allow you to live in the real world and not become a prisoner to your fears, diagnosed condition and it’s initial limitations. It will also allow you more recovery options, like therapeutic essential oil therapy, a safe solution for symptom relief. You can desensitize your heightened and offended sense of smell by smelling ‘safe for you’ (a practitioner who using neuromuscularbiofeedback testing can help determine these) daily doses of 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils.

What alters your body’s software?

Alterations to your body’s software can be the result of a combination of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual assaults or reprogramming. These changes and the ability to restore original programming can be affected by what you have been told in a diagnosis and prognosis, acceptance of your situation, ownership of a diagnosis and prognosis (I have _______), what you believe, what you think, what you say and what you expect. Although I use the words allergies, MCS, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, stress sensitization and spasmodic dysphonia when I relay my journey to improved health – I was always careful to say, my body is affected by these symptoms or  conditions instead of ‘I have’ these conditions which denotes ownership.

There was a time when I reacted every time I ate any food and was so afraid of every chemical and every smell because they offended me, and so I determined that they all hurt me.  The truth is that many of the foods, chemicals and smells that I experienced were harmful or toxic to me because of my injury and did have a negative effect on my body. The reality was that there were also many chemicals (everything is made up of chemicals) and scents that although offensive to me were not hurting me.  The ‘all or none’ thinking that person’s with MCS and other conditions experience is understandable. There was a time when MCS was considered a psychological condition, maybe the reason for that is the ‘all or none’ thinking that sufferers sometimes revert to protect themselves from further harm.

How do you restore your body’s ‘software’ and normal way of responding?

To restore your body’s software and normal way of responding it is important to update the software with corrections. The software on a computer requires regular updates to stay current. If your body has been responding in a ‘skewed’ fashion due to trauma – it’s time to update your body’s software. That is what I did to get my body to stop mounting ‘skewed responses’ and achieve symptom free living.

It is important to continue with protection strategies and keep an open mind about what is possible, allowing your brain to update your software. This will require letting go of the ‘all or none’ thinking. Following are some strategies that were successful for me that you can use to help you to update your body’s altered software and way of responding.

Change your internal dialogue:

  1. Although I am offended and affected by many chemicals and scents, I am not negatively affected by all chemicals and scents.
  2. Although some foods cause me to feel unwell, making me suspicious of many foods, there are foods that are safe for me to eat.
  3. Although my body has been reacting with ‘skewed responses’ at times, I know that my body can and does respond normally as well.
  4. Although I have been told that there is no cure for my condition and nothing can be done, I know that my body can heal itself and restore normal responding.
  5. I believe that more is possible and that possible is doable by my body. This may require some paradigm shifts to my thinking. You can learn more at my blog and web posts:

NATURAL CURES: Implementing Paradigm Shifts to Become Symptom Free,

BELIEVE: Your Most Powerful Well-being Tool,

Health Intention: Designing What You See to Get What You Want –

Visualization:  A Powerfull Natural Cure –

Give the authority for resolving your health challenges to your ‘doctor within’, your primary healthcare practitioner:

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, Greek Physician (460BC-377BC)

  • Your complex body was created with many amazing abilities. Every moment of every day, without any action on your part hundreds of processes are taking place and abilities are available to you, even while you are asleep. The healthy human organism, with its complex high-tech operating system, is continually self-detecting, self-diagnosing, self-renewing, self-healing, self-repairing, self-cleaning and self-protecting. The body has an internal pharmacy, which when functioning properly produces natural analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-stress, sleep-inducing, immune system strengthening and gastrointestinal normalizing chemicals.[1]  Many of the body’s processes and abilities are automatic and are often taken for granted. There are many factors that can interfere with these normal processes and abilities.  It is your responsibility to understand and protect these abilities and the internal communications required to ensure they function normally. You can learn how in my book THE WHOLE PERSON WELL-BEING EQUATION, my website and my blog .
  • This does not mean you should stop seeing your doctor. He or she is the person you consult for additional assistance and assessments. 

Implement correcting strategies:

Consider parasympathetic nervous system resetting strategies, mind body healing strategies, stress management strategies, normalizing response strategies and natural self-help therapies and tools to restore your body’s default settings, perception, awareness, knowledge, understanding and beliefs. I provide consultations and BodyFeedback™ Interview & Therapy to clients to help them update their outdated software. You can learn about these at and in my book THE WHOLE PERSON WELL-BEING EQUATION, my website and my blog

Elisabeth Hines, C.N.C., C.B.P., Holistic Wellness Practitioner,

Health by Design,

[1] Clinic for Mind Body Medicine, Alberta Health Services,, 2009.